Netsystems and Juniteck Business Dinner
December 13, 16.30

Restaurant Hacker-pschorr/რესტორანი ჰაკერ-ფშორი ~
მისამართი : სულხან ცინცაძის 12 (ყოფილი საბურთალოს 32), 12 Sulkhan Tsintsadze Str.

Dear partners and colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of NetApp solutions.

Following the presentation, the evening will continue in a more informal setting with atmosphere at a beer festival, providing an excellent opportunity for networking and further discussions.

We hope you can join event!


16:30 - 17:00 – Registration and welcome beer

17:00 - 17:30 – NetApp presentation

Speaker: Alexander Mironov. Netsystems

17:30 - 21.00 – Beer Festival
